Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Math (not all it's cracked up to be)

Alright so it's been a while, I apoligize, but getting fired/ quitting really kind of slows down a blog about my shitty job.

But let's rap for a moment about my shitty life (shut your face white bread, you know what I ment). I'm alone in the world, I don't mean in terms of lifestyle, you're reading this blog after all so you must need some sort of pick me up in your life as well.

No, what I'm refering to is the fact that for some reason I can't seem to find a girl who's looking for an unemployed downer.

Now, that was on some level a joke, but let's consider for a second that when I did work, it was in a shit factory (see also: the post about the shitty DVD racks we make/ every other god awful work story I've shared) and made little more then $10 an hour during the prime "spending time with you" hours of the day. Multiply this by the number of bottle penis I witnessed while working there, divide that by the fact that all of the guys I worked with had girlfriends and you get an intersting total.

Money and Large Dicks (bottle or otherwise) are the only things that can get me a girlfriend.

Don't lie, I know I'm right, I was good at math in school.

It's why I applied to Wal Mart.