Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shit Shoes

So I happened to walk into this gem of a conversation between two coworkers in the break room during my dinner break tonight. what was said before it I can basically use my imagination for but here is what was said to me as I pulled my lunch bag out of the fridge:

".........see you I wouldn't talk to if you were having a shit in the stall next to me, you aint got enough paint on your boots, I wouldn't know you were from paint line."

now while it is true that my boots are seemingly paint free, that wasn't exactly the part of the comment that bothered me.

A.) these two were having a discussion about having a discussion while "having a shit"

B.) If my boots WERE dirty I would be expected to shoot the shit (mostly no pun intended) while using the bathroom. this is especially concerning as I get quite tired while at work and usually opt to sit and pee as it provides a mini break time.

and finally

C.) apparently there is also a class system when "shit talking". My boots having paint on them indicate that I am from paint line and therefor are allowed to socialize while using the toilet. however if i had some other sort of dirt on my boots (perhaps sawdust) from another part of the factory then I am going to have a very lonely poo.


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