Friday, August 14, 2009

Notes On "Health Care Reform"

I thought I'd take some time to reflect on the health care issue,

I don't want to get overly political here, but I am a Canadian and as such i've had my fair share of trips to the doctor and I have yet to sell the shirt off my back to do so. As a result i consider myself sort of an expert on the topic (i also read books sometimes so...that's where there other expertness comes from)

Now in reality, the U.S will never have "Nationalized Health Care".

how do i know?

because apparently the bible says something about it being a bad idea (which..the version I read didn't but...who knows...)and that's pretty much all it takes for americans to shape laws* (*see also: slave trade, abortion and prop 8)

that in mind, i figured i'd put my thoughts out there just for fun (and please...if you read this, be sure to tell others, regardless of your or their view i would really like to engage in a discussion to better both of our understanding of the two sides).

***I'll update this post every now and then so be sure to check in, please don't look at this as an attack, I have health care, I like it, it's not for everyone.....I just thought it would be interesting to fire back with the same "passion" I've been seeing, hearing and reading in the media.***

so here is what (in my understanding) is not being yelled at town hall meetings as the "learnid people who don't know nothin about real issues" (like that goofy looking black guy for example) are trying to talk:

Dear American Right, Just say "it's every man for himself cause we don't give a F***" and we can drop this bull shit game

Dear American Right, to my knowledge nationalized health care has never lead to the capture of down syndrome babies by death squads in my country

Dear American Right, Jesus put a man's ear back on....FREE OF CHARGE!! cause he knew it was a good idea.


1 comment:

  1. Obama's plan is definitely a start in the right direction. We (the people) can longer continue as slaves of the insurance companies. We, and our goverment, cannot live under the fear campaign of these companies and we have to take a stand and do what's right. Unfortunately, we've grown accustomed to Health as a business.
