Sunday, September 27, 2009

I'm out...

so I finally got my balls up (whatever that unpleasant image means) and i quit my stupid fucking job. the only problem is....well I’m a filmmaker, which qualifies me to do....nothing....

I'm on the job hunt but it's hard to say where I'll ultimately end up...I can only hope it's some cushy minimum wage job like grocery clerk or movie theater usher (don't even pretend you fucking's not a hard job, if a teenager can do it stoned...then it's not a hard job, i think we all know that)

Until that happens there wont be to much to announce. hopefully you still check in from time to time.

If all else fails i guess i could go back to the plant. the boss thought i was stoned at the time of the fire so he wrote me down for 2 weeks stress leave (which I didn’t get paid for):

"it happens, this way you wont get in shit when you come back....just share next time ya fuckin prick" he said laughing.

I can go back anytime i like....and i don't know what part of that i should be most sad about..


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